Today’s Office Dog has been languishing at home and it’s time he came out and had some fun. So today’s Office Dog is
We can’t tell much from this angle — turn around
Awww! It’s the puppy with the cute freckles — Hi, Holmes
This is a great place to bring a youngster. Everyone here loves animals — and so do all the people that come to visit. He got pats and hugs and treats. This is a happy boy. He wants to know if he can be the Office Dog again tomorrow. We’ll see . . .
Oh!! That cutie pie. If you ever get tired of him, I know someone, ahem,who has a ranch,cattle,vineyard and a spare couch. He could be the Outdoor Office Dog.
Hello, cute freckled boy! I bet he is soaking up all the attention. We had friends over Sunday night and Rufus was grinning from ear-to-ear. Company = dropped food = happy corgi.
What a beautiful brindle color !
Awww….Cardis are beautiful.
I bet Holmes loved all the attention. It’s tough being big brother to cute puppies when up until they arrived, he was the cute puppy. The look on his face definitely says he’s trying to be very good. Love that goofy boy.
What a face! What a cutie!
Hey Bro,
Isn’t it great being the office dog? I love it. I hope you got the video Christmas card of me. I sent it to G-MA.
Anyway, you look great. Have a wonderful Christmas!
Much love,
Could Holmes be jostling for permanent office dog status perhaps???
Hay I kood go to werk wiv Daddy & be his ofis dog & ryd arownd on the forklift orl day.