I am going to bore you with miscellaneous photos that depict my afternoon — not very productive.
Guys! Guys! Look! It’s where she keeps the food.
Smooch peeking in the cat hole
Smooch popping out of the cat hole
December 19, 2010
I am going to bore you with miscellaneous photos that depict my afternoon — not very productive.
Guys! Guys! Look! It’s where she keeps the food.
Smooch peeking in the cat hole
Smooch popping out of the cat hole
Category Agility, Baddog, Chuckles, Dog Equipment, New Mexico Beauty, Nola, Puppies | Tags:
very cute
Thay ar not bad doggys just kyooryus puppys ho hav lots ov nyoo fings to ekspeeryense. Thay shor ar having fun. I wish I woz thair to play wiv them
Oooh, no question about it, Udi’s a sable! Monk’s cap very discernable–lots and lots of black tipped red hair! VERY exotic!
Absolutely adorable. Truly there is nothing cuter than Cardi puppies!