Udi Has Selected His Family

December 17, 2010

Udi will be going to the Tri-Cities area of Washington State.  He will live about 20 minutes from Smooch and DeAnn.  He will own Sondra, a retired veterinary pathologist and her two daughters, some alpaca, other dogs, chickens — I think I’ll go instead.  Lucky baby to have such an extended family waiting for him.


  1. DeAnn says:

    Yay Udi! Welcome to Washington State! Maybe you can take some puppy classes with Smooch and I. How fun would that be? I’ll introduce you to some of our other dogs friends and I know there will be some other Cardi’s and a couple of Pemmies in the upcoming classes.

  2. Builder Mama says:

    Aw, lucky Udi!!! He will make a wonderful addition to Sondra’s family.