Sondra says that Udi and his girl have been conspiring. Sondra thought Udi was sleeping in his crate in the girls’ room — not making a peep until time to get up. He is sleeping quietly through the night, but he’s doing his sleeping in bed with Yadeshi. While she’s at school, he has a great friend in the Italian Greyhound, but the Alpaca don’t much like the noisy little guy. He’s eating well and weighed in at 12 pounds this week. I think there is a play date with his sister Smooch this weekend. There’d better be photos — G-Ma Penni needs photos.
a January 14th, 2011
. . . and What’s Up With Udi
January 14, 2011 by myeye
Category Dog Friends, Puppies | Tags: | 2 Comments
Mine, Mine, Mine!
January 14, 2011 by myeye
DeAnn reports in on the Smooch. Smooch likes to bark at the cats, but has learned to stay out of their reach. She loves Rich and when he comes home, screams until he picks her up and gives her some snuggles. “She is the squeakiest dog I’ve ever had. She sounds just like a guinea pig when she’s playing by herself. She’s like a little old lady who talks to herself. Grunt, grunt, grunt. It’s very cute.” Keep the photos coming, DeAnn. I love them.
She had her well-puppy check and her third DAPP shot. The vet thought, since she came from New Mexico, that she was from a puppy mill — WHAT? We’ve been a State since 1912.
So, here are photos. Little Smoocher has claimed everything she likes at DeAnn’s — dog bed, toy, red Cardi girl — mine, mine, mine.
Starting with Smooch looking cute and oh so sweet
Doesn’t look like that was Smooch’s bed to start with
Sorry, Lab, you’ll have to sleep on the floor
I know it was Poppy’s duck, but now it’s all MINE
Poppy’s had enough — chew on the puppy
Category Chuckles, Dog Friends, Puppies | Tags: | 2 Comments