The Chase/Magic kids were winners today. Deuce was Winners Dog and Best of Winners and Ali was Winners Bitch. There were a couple of absences so it was 2-points for each of them. Those puppies are on their way. Photos a little later.
a January 16th, 2011
Show News
January 16, 2011 by myeye
Category Chase, Dog Friends, Magic, Puppies | Tags: | 1 Comment
Siblings, Sheep, Grandma Inca and Dad
January 16, 2011 by myeye
A lazy afternoon here
Close quarters for Holmes and Nola** Note crate door is open
Inca does like her granddaughter (if Holmes is not around)
Meanwhile, Dad’s at work — and it is cold
Hold the sheep to Susan so she can check them out
They can look — just better not move
** If DeAnn’s vet saw this photo, she’d be sure I was a puppy mill
Category Bluefox, Chase, Chores, Herding, Holmes, Nola, Tennessee, Weather | Tags: | 5 Comments
Agility Prospect?
January 16, 2011 by myeye
We knew from the beginning that the Smooch was going to run (very fast) in Agility, but it appears Nola is no slouch herself. She found the crinkly cat tunnel to be a great source of fun. Even in “sport” mode, the camera could not keep up with her.
Category Agility, Nola, Puppies | Tags: | 2 Comments
Puppy Sunrise
January 16, 2011 by myeye
Since the baddogs woke me up early, we took sunrise photos.
Sunrise – South glow (forgive the power lines)
Now back to puppy wonderfulness
I am Nola and I always get my way
I think up new things to do to this house
I take naps when they aren’t looking
Category Baddog, New Mexico Beauty, Nola, Weather | Tags: | 1 Comment