DeAnn and her mother arrived last night. We ate dinner and drank some wine. Then they played with puppies while I put the dishes in the dishwasher. Victor was the first puppy up on the dishwasher door to provide Cardi pre-wash. He’s a little devil.
Victor wants to be the kitchen dog
Speaking of Victor, George called last night. He’s in Albuquerque and plans to take this week sight-seeing, then pick up Victor on Saturday morning and head home. He’s driving with a 12 week old puppy. Very brave man! George made arrangements to come over this morning so he could see the entire litter before it scattered. So this morning George and DeAnn and her mom were here, then Brock and Adrienne came over and brought their lab puppy “Storm”. So Holmes and Storm romped in the back 40 in the mud — what an awful mess they’ve made. The rest of us took little-puppy photos. We need more practice, but here they are.
Nola — yes, I know my hand is there
Smooch — yes, I know her hocks are not perpendicular
Just didn’t get quite straight-on
It was amateur hour in the photo studio, but we tried — this is how they looked just an hour before Udi and Smooch headed for the airport, and George went back to his hotel. I went to the office and worked on the Bulletin for a few hours — until my InDesign program did something so quirky that I’ll have to call Adobe support on Monday.
It’s so quiet here. Nola and Victor are curled up and absolutely silent. They don’t understand where their brother and sister went, and I think they’re sad. So am I. I know the babies are going to great homes — I KNOW IT — but I will miss them. I’ll miss adventurous, athletic Smooch and always happy Udi. I did receive a great gift from DeAnn: she brought me the metal Chase-Shadow because now she has a real Chase-Shadow. I must put him in a place of honor near my lasered gate. She’s promised lots of photos. I know little Smooch will do us proud!
Well, the little Cardi ambassador’s did great on the plane and made lots of friends. Got home and hum… seems Victor’s bark came home with Udi and Smooch. There won’t be much sleep tonight as they wake up and bark at every new noise. Poor Rich, he’s up early to hunt… maybe I’ll be able to catch a nap. Thanks for everything Penni! Mom and I had a great little adventure.
I have to admit, I’m a little teary-eyed knowing that I won’t get my daily Udi and Smooch fixes! I know, I’m a dork. Best wishes to the little darlings and their new families!
I had to laugh at Victor in the dishwasher and Smooch on the Roomba. Obviously I trained Rufus wrong, LOL!!!
I hate to admit it, but they aren’t THAT well-trained. Neither of them is able to operate the appliance of choice.
It is very hard to see them go, but knowing they have the best homes you can find for them sure helps. The house is going to feel empty but you know they are going to be the best puppies in the world for the new owners. Hugs …..
Such BEAUTIFUL puppies off on a new adventure, but it’s hard to say goodbye. Hope we’ll continue to get photos and updates. Bye Smoocher! Bye Udi!
You can save on water, detergent & electricity just let the pups wash all the dishes with their tongues