Deuce, one of the lovely puppies in the Chase/Magic litter, was Best of Winners today in Puyallap Washington for a 3-point major — this is his second show. That litter will be a year old in April and three of the babies have already been making waves in conformation. We are so proud of them (and of Paula and Eric who do it all themselves). Go, babies!
Little sister Nola is the last puppy here. She had her first bath today and I did toenails again. She’ll forgive me eventually.
She is, ahem, making a puddle — but looks very sweet doing it
Holmes gives poor Nola direction
Gramma Inca asks to be locked up where they cannot get her
Nola’s learned the word “TREAT”
Yay Deuce!!!
So question for you – how does Inca deal with puppies? That is one of my biggest fears with Rufus – how is he going to like a little interloper? I am about 99% sure that after a day he’ll be fine, but then there’s that 1% of absolute fear….
Nola is a fine looking young lady. Hope that Holmes teaches her all GOOD things.
Nola is looking very pretty. Can’t wait to see her again in another month. Do you think her ears are going to come up on their own?
Inca’s just an ol’ grouch. And she’s really not even that old. Some older dogs deal well with puppies (Alice mostly does) others think they should be seen and not heard.
Isn’t she a lovely little girl. 🙂
She is lovely. Its great to hear that Chase’s puppies are doing so well.
Bad me…I didn’t even mention the lovely Miss Nola. She is so pretty! No wonder Holmes is so smitten with her. 😉
Nola is Cute Cute CUTE!