a February 3rd, 2011

  1. The Weather Has Become Dangerous

    February 3, 2011 by myeye

    Thousands of residents of Central New Mexico have no gas, so they have no heat.  Shelters are being set up at area high schools because tonight’s temperatures will again be sub-zero.  We are not prepared for dealing with these temperatures for several days/nights in a row.  At the moment we still have natural gas service at the house so the baddogs and I are okay.  The same can’t be said for many other folks that live in the greater Albuquerque metro area.

    What occurred?  Our natural gas is piped in from Texas.  Because Texas has instituted rolling blackouts, the equipment that compresses the natural gas for transmission has been shutting down when the blackout rolls through its area.  Each time the blackout shuts down the equipment, a technician must return to re-pressurize the equipment.  The re-pressurization takes a significant period of time and no gas is sent through the lines during the process. To reduce the use of gas, all state government offices will be closed tomorrow, no schools will be open, we’ve been asked to turn down our thermostats and to use as little hot water as possible, not to use gas stoves/ranges.  This is a crisis!

  2. It’s Thursday

    February 3, 2011 by myeye

    I went to the office Monday, but Tuesday and yesterday, the freeways (and the road to my little street) were nothing but ice, so I worked from home.  At the moment it is -6 degrees.  That is unheard of in these parts — and I dislike it intensely!

    I’m going to brave the weather this morning and try to steer the Element toward the office.  There are some things that must be accomplished (physically) from my office — and they are due.  I’ll get billing out today, and print the catalog for the TDX Test on Sunday, stop by the storage unit and retrieve my hiking boots and gators — cause it’s going to be very cold up at the tracking area (7000 feet above sea level).

    The Cardigan News Bulletin was mailed out on Tuesday.  It’s my first issue as Editor in Chief and I’m eager (gulp!) for comments.  The National Photo Contest winners are in this issue — such great photos (even if they must be 8″ x 10″ to be considered).  You’ll see winners from fellow bloggers Shep and Taryn — whooo hooo!  I found a typo in the copy I picked up at the printer — and it’s in my own ad — darn!  The next deadline isn’t until May 15th so I have a little time to learn more about Photoshop and our design program.  Editing the Bulletin is a volunteer job, but I sure enjoy it more than being a lawyer — most of the time.