a February 27th, 2011

  1. Lowri Video

    February 27, 2011 by myeye

    Gaiting, coming, and going — just little snippets, but it will give you the opportunity to see why we are so high on this little cutie.  On the side gait — wait for it — awesome four or five steps around the one minute mark.  She’s learning about the leash and seems pretty happy to follow Susan or to trot toward Cheryl.  This baby knows on which side her bread is buttered.  Love you baby-Lowri!

    Coming At You

    Going Away

    Gaiting — sort of

  2. Sunday At Home

    February 27, 2011 by myeye

    We are having wind gusts of up to 70 mph.  That means the air is thick with dust and the dogs don’t want to play in the yard.  All God’s critters are wrapped around my chair hoping I’ll fetch treats — or at least give tummy rubs.

    Holmes, Chase’s firstborn.  I love his head . . .

    . . . and his expression

    His baby sister Nola — play with me — but not too rough!

    There’s no Gramma Inca photo here because she’s gone when I remove the camera lens cap.  Since she’s almost nine, I don’t give her a hard time about photo shoots.