As always when Carolyn has been here, my blog is new and improved. My blog roll — which is very long — has been relocated to its own page. The link is under NOLA CAM on the right sidebar. Speaking of Nola Cam, since so many people have been watching her grow up, I’ve left the “Puppy Cam” aimed at her puppy pen so everyone might continue to enjoy her. She is often out of the pen for long periods of time because when I’m home, she gets to play with the big dogs, and explore the back yard.
We tried to take stacked photos of her just before Tom and Carolyn left yesterday — so how did that work out for us? Nola wasn’t overly cooperative, hunched her back a little and did not want to place her feet properly. She is a red girl after all.
Not nice to stick your tongue out at the readers
Being a show dog might be okay with more cheese – please
Nola is unfortunately marked on her stifle with white moving from her hocks all the way up. It gives the illusion that her hocks are v-e-r-y l-o-n-g, which they aren’t. In any case, let’s see how she grows. She is cute as a button and very sweet.
Argh. Guess mom forgot that she told me to use your blogroll to jumpoff because I can’t access hers at work…darn it! Blogger itself (thus things stored there) are blocked at work.