I’ll be heading to the airport in a few minutes with more stuff than any human should need when she’ll only be gone for a couple of days. Two of those days will be spent primarily on planes or in terminals. However, Janet has wireless at her home so I’ll take the laptop to post puppy photos (and to keep up on my office email). I’m taking the Nikon so I can capture lots of photos of the Scout/Chase baybeez. My Kindle “Mills” is taking the trip with me. I have the larger rolling suitcase because Janet must need some green chile and salsa and NM wine. I need a couple of sweaters and an extra pair of jeans and some socks — and ‘jamas. I have a cute little turquoise collar. Of course my purse will be hung around my neck because I’m out of hands.
Still need to change the sheets so Isaac does not have to sleep in dog hair. I guess there are people that don’t usually — must not have Cardis. I left him a list, thawed dog meals, filled the water jugs; brought home food for him. He has the house key, my son and “Jean from NM” know he’ll be here — he has their phone numbers.
If I take a shower and get dressed, may I leave? Chaseman, I’m on my way!
Yay! Can’t wait to see you ladies tonight – my hideous gargantuan pink suitcase and I will be rolling in sometime around 9, I hope…
Oooh, the Chaseman is SOOOO excited! He can’t wait to see his mama again! He’ll be bathed and fluffed–errr, I mean SMOOTHED DOWN–and buffed so he’s all pretty to meet his new chil’ens! See you tomorrow!
Have a great trip! I’m still so sad that I’m missing the party. 🙁