Sunday on the Farm – Chase & Lowri

February 20, 2011

Cheryl sent these photos a little while ago.  Chase is doing nice, steady work — becoming consistent.

Take them to the pen

Moving around the sheep

Hold ’em

. . .  and now for Lowri

Lowri freestacking

Front reach

Rear drive


  1. susan says:

    Cheryl commented on how well Chase carries his tail when he is working the sheep. He sees no point in showing it off, he just uses it as the steering aid it was meant to be. I love how well he is working now. Very consistent – if a little too pushy. He covers his stock well.

    Lowri is a doll! Right now she is entertaining herself with one of the soft firehydrants that you can stuff cookies in. No cookies, alas.

  2. Builder Mama says:

    There’s my buddy Chase! After seeing him in person, I can only imagine how fantastic he is with the sheepies.

    Lowri is such a beautiful girl. I’m glad she’s getting to spend some time with her dad!

  3. Becky says:

    I love to watch corgis work! Poetry in motion! Oh! and that puppy is so cute. She’s a winner!

  4. Tony says:

    I love seeing Chase doing his herding. Lowrie is such a gorgeous little girl.