a March 1st, 2011

  1. High Five and Attaboys&girls

    March 1, 2011 by myeye

    If you’ve not visited The Daily Corgi lately, you have missed the most amazing outpouring of generosity.  Laurie rounded up 35 prize packages, and then asked her readers to chip in $5 (or more) to support research for degenerative myelopathy in corgis.  Everyone who contributed was entered in the lottery for the prize packages.  The Drive for $5 ends at midnight tonight with a total of at least $3500 raised for DM research.  The money will go to the Canine Health Foundation.  Because of the size of the contribution, it will be designated for the Sponsor Fund to be combined with contributions from Breed Clubs and Foundations to support a DM research grant.  Grant proposals were also due today — a perfect day to finish up the Drive.

    One person with a great idea is able to help generous people channel donations — large or small.  I am so proud of Laurie and so proud to be part of the corgi community.

  2. I Luv-a-luv-a-luv My Calendar Boy

    March 1, 2011 by myeye

    It’s March — time to turn the page and see what Cheryl and Chase have in store for me.  Dollywood!  Very cool!  . . . and chase the ducks — no, no, no.  Stand around with tongue hanging out — that’s okay.  Again, thank you so much, Cheryl.

  3. The Cold From Hell

    March 1, 2011 by myeye

    Yesterday I mailed Chase’s (non-herding) National Specialty entries to Foy Trent.  The forms were all filled out, I included a check.  Then last night my brain did a tiny bit of math — $20 for the Megan + $32 for a Regular Class = $52.  Interesting — yesterday afternoon, it apparently equaled $42 – because that’s what I sent with the entry.  I emailed Foy Trent Dog Shows, and being the gentleman that Mr. Trent is, he did not call me anything derogatory – just told me to send a second check for $10 with a note containing the dog’s name, Registration number, and the classes in which he is entered.  I wonder what other things I have done during the past ten days of stuffed-up-head that will need to be undone or redone.  Sigh!

    For those of you who have not yet experienced this variety of head cold/upper-respiratory blockage, I promise you would like to avoid it.  Tomorrow will mark two weeks since I woke up with a slightly sore throat.  I actually missed four days of work (I only do that for dog events), and have felt as if I were slogging through mud.  My brain is sluggish, my joints ache, my voice is all cracked.  I expect stock prices for facial tissue makers have skyrocketed.  I am more convinced than ever that I need a private jet so I might avoid full flights and recirculated air.

    Things will be better tomorrow though because Adrienne is delivering my Girl Scout Cookies.  Everyone knows they cure all.