Chase in Print

March 9, 2011

Whoo Hoo!  Chase is in print again – this time in the Silver City Life Magazine. Click on the link.  Double click to make the magazine large enough to read — Chase is on the 66th page though it is numbered 42 (they don’t count all the ad pages, I guess).  The free lance writer contacted me because she thought it was amazing that the dogs-with-no-legs were able to herd effectively.  Cheryl had many wonderful photos of Chase and his ducks and sheep which she gave Judy permission to use.  Note credit for the photo to Cheryl!

Chase does not subscribe to this magazine, and hopefully Cheryl will not show it to him — he already thinks he’s a hot dog.


  1. Jean from NM says:

    That is absolutely awesome. Way to go, Chase. Thanks, Cheryl – nice photo! 🙂

  2. Janet says:

    What a handsome boy! Silly magazine – he should have made the cover!

    • myeye says:

      Perhaps if we lived in Silver City instead of in Los Lunas, they would have considered making him the cover boy.

  3. Builder Mama says:

    So now he’s a famous supermodel?

    Nick sez “Way to go Dad!”