Herding – Age Doesn’t Matter

March 20, 2011

Chase, Kearney, Treasure and Lowri — YES, LOWRI — went herding today.  Cheryl sent me these photos of Chase, whose first Started trial is next weekend, and of his three month old daughter.  Lowri is a Border Collie WannaBe.  How much fun is she going to be as she grows up?  (Three cheers for Cheryl’s photos — I always feel as if I’m there.)  Lowri first:

Click to make this bigger — the look on her face is priceless

Later, Thor, can’t stop.  I’m a working Cardi!

. . . And Chase — businesslike and calm (HURRAY!)

“This can be pleasant if you all stay in line.”

Stand still while TM and MC gab **

**  TM (The Mama) is Lowri’s name for Susan, and MC is Mama Cheryl — I suppose I’d be the MP?


  1. Jean from NM says:

    Oh, just look at that puppy! Look at the intensity. Look at the drive. You go, Lowri! Neat, neat photos.

  2. DeAnn says:

    What a lucky puppy! Her very own sheep. Cousin Smooch is jealous! Chase looks great! What a happy family!

  3. Tony McGurk says:

    Lowri isdoing great, look at the worry in those sheep’s faces.

  4. Builder Mama says:

    Yay Lowri! Get those sheepies! Love, Nick

  5. Susan says:

    Of course you would be the MP. I can’t spell!

    Love, Lowri

  6. Janet says:

    Or you could be the TQM – The Queen Mother.

    • myeye says:

      I think, actually, that you are the TQM (The Queen’s Mother) which would make me the TKM (The King’s Mother). Just ask either one of them.