Smooch went tracking again yesterday. She did three tracks, each a bit longer than the one before, and nailed them all. She gets this game and loves it. DeAnn sent some cool photos of Smoochie enjoying her weekend.
March 6, 2011
Smooch went tracking again yesterday. She did three tracks, each a bit longer than the one before, and nailed them all. She gets this game and loves it. DeAnn sent some cool photos of Smoochie enjoying her weekend.
Category Dog Friends, Other Places, Smooch | Tags:
The more she grows, the prettier she gets. Way to go, Smoocher!
She is quite the beauty. Hi Smoocher! I miss your smiling little face!
What a cutie-pie! She is absolutely adorable! And her kitty is, too!
She has such a pretty innocent looking face. I wouldn’t trust that cat though Smoochy
Run away from the bad old poody kat Smoochy. Kats ar evool kreechas
I had the rong emayl adress & daddys pikcha kaym up insted