The Further Adventures of Smooch

April 29, 2011

DeAnn reports that our Smoocher earned her STAR Puppy Certificate and medal AND passed her CGC on graduation night.  This weekend, Smoochie is entered in her first conformation show.  The Chase/Leidy kids turned 6 months old on April 20th — so it’s now the big time.  This will also be DeAnn’s conformation debut (with one of her own dogs).  Apparently she had an eye-opening experience with a friend’s Champion (of another breed) a few weeks ago.


  1. Taryn says:

    What a pretty pup she is! She looks lovely sporting her STAR medal.

  2. Builder Mama says:

    Beautiful Smoocher! She looks so pretty with her new medal! Congratulations to DeAnn and Smooch!

  3. Susan says:

    Good luck to DeAnn and Smooch this weekend! Congrats on having two STARS in your litter – so far.

  4. Cheryl says:

    Whoo-hoo! Doesn’t Smoochy look SMASHING with her medallion! She’s so beautiful. I know she will do great on her show debut! Can’t wait to hear how she does. And Nola looked very industrious cleaning out the food tub!

  5. Kathy M. says:

    Nice job Smooch! You are a real Star…and a CGC to boot! VERY cool! Good luck at the show!