Rich took video of Smoochie and DeAnn. They’ve shared. Here it is.
And the Winners Class:
May 28, 2011 by myeye
Rich took video of Smoochie and DeAnn. They’ve shared. Here it is.
And the Winners Class:
Category Conformation, Dog Shows, Smooch | Tags: | 4 Comments
May 28, 2011 by myeye
The Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club of America News Bulletin: time to build it again. Unfortunately, many advertisers think a deadline is optional — or only a suggestion. Our Bulletin is completely staffed by volunteers (except for the printer), and this volunteer has been busy building ads and changing them. I plan to send this issue to the printer in the middle of June (my birthday present to me). Then we’ll do it again in August and in November. So, I won’t have much time for photos and posts and comments. Hopefully the final product will make this all worth while.
Category Blogging | Tags: | 2 Comments