About the Late Spring Shows in Cortez

May 20, 2011

Yesterday morning, Wendy took off with her van load of Akita and two little Cardigan Welsh Corgis.  Holmes and Nola are entered in the Durango Kennel Club Shows in Cortez Colorado.  A few hours later there was a Facebook post of a snow-covered field up that way.  I talked with Wendy late in the afternoon and she had arrived.  It had hailed and poured rain, though there was no snow at the Montezuma County Fairgrounds.  The area surrounding the show barn was mud, mud, mud.  Although the Akita are only muddy to their ankles, the Cardis are muddy half way up their bodies — and are all soaking wet besides.  When I spoke with her, Wendy was looking at the schedule trying to figure out when she could bathe everyone.

Nola and Holmes ate like the corgis they are, but Nola did not want to go outside.  Since we are officially in a drought in central New Mexico, Nola may never have seen rain and hail before.  I can’t remember the last time (before yesterday) we had a rain that did more than make the car look dirty.

Show result reports later.  Cardis show around 1:30 today and tomorrow, and around 9:30 on Sunday.  I say “around” because there are breeds before them scheduled at the same time.  Fingers crossed that enough of the girls make it to the show to hold the major and that Holmes is fortunate enough to be Best of Winners.

When Holmes gets back, he has a date with some sheep.  I am going to herding school with our funny boy.  We’ll learn herding together.  Susan says, “breathe and keep moving.”  There is a trial in northern Colorado in August.  Holmes and I have set our sights on earning his HT.

ps Inca is so happy!  She has the run of the house, slept on the bed last night.  She’s pretty sure she won and the other two are really gone.


  1. Cheryl says:

    Ahhh, yes. I remember the lovely weather so well–part of the reason I moved to Tennessee! I was describing to someone just last week that I had shown OUTDOORS in a heavy snowstorm before–actually, more than once! Not to mention the rain, hail, etc. Poor Wendy. That is NOT fun! Fingers crossed for Holmes and Naughty Nola!

  2. Garrett says:

    Good Luck!

    And I LOL’ed at the PS. That Nola is a silly girl and I can totally see my Sadie thinking she won too. bahahaha. Poor Nola.

  3. Julie says:

    Good luck to Holmes and Nola!

  4. Ron S says:

    I know you are a smart lawyer and all, but prepare for mental overload when you start herding. Good stockwork involves subconscious thought processes that have atrophied in the modern human brain. Developing those mental muscles is exhausting. Herding is the bestest fun that you can have with a corgi, but it is hard (as are most things worth doing).

    Me, I am off to NQ at three trials this weekend, including one sponsores by the Canadian Cardigan Corgi Club. Radar and I have only been in the field three times this year, and it will be obvious. But it will be fun anyway.

  5. Kathy M. says:

    Ahhh Inca…some things don’t change. You’ll always be one of my very favorite Divas! Thought of you yesterday while attending the local Pembroke Specialty show here in Los Gatos, CA. Someone walked in with a gorgeous r/w Cardigan. My first thought was, “Well, it’s pretty, but not as pretty as Inca!” Enjoy the serenity while you can!