Adrienne’s Piano Recital

May 22, 2011

While the dogs were in Cortez doing dog show stuff, I acted like a regular Grandma.  I went to hear my granddaughter’s piano recital.  Adrienne is 9-1/2 (going on 25) and has been taking lessons for three years.  She has had a piano in her home since she was born and has always loved music.  She has composed some music and was permitted to play one of her own pieces today.  It was very nice — if I do say so myself.  Forgive proud Grandma!  . . . now, about the hair in the eyes . . .


  1. Cheryl says:

    How fabulous! Composing her own music? Fantastic! I bet it was a lot of fun!

  2. nancy says:

    Quite a young lady you have there and every right to be proud! I have 4 grandsons and another on the way. They amaze me every day. The best part is, you can spoil them and then send them home. Ha! Congratulations on such a special grandchild.

  3. Jean from NM says:

    Oh, how pretty! She’s quite the young lady. Glad you could see her play. Why IS the hair in her eyes? 🙂