May 29, 2011

I did toenails and trimmed feet today.  Holmes and Nola are going to Colorado Springs in two weeks and I want their pretty feet to be obvious (you know, in case the judge has a foot fetish).   I’ll do them again next weekend and then just before we leave on the 10th.  When I flipped Nola on her back up on the counter, I realized my little baby is in season.  She just turned seven months old and I know that’s not abnormal, but I was hoping she would hold off until she was — like — maybe — two years old.  Sigh!  I just hope she’s not like her mom who comes into season every four months no matter what.  The last time someone was at our house and in season was when Leidy was here to be bred to Chase.  I had to put Holmes in a crate in the bathroom with the door closed because he wailed and howled for nearly a week.  He’s going to get to do that again this time because Nola is a mite young for puppies.

On the bright side:  their feet look mahvelous, dahling.


  1. Susan says:

    Oh Penny, I am so sorry she is already in heat. I certainly HOPE it is from her mother! I am sorry you are going to have to live with crazy Holmes for the next couple of weeks. And, Oh Goody, in two weeks, Holmes will either be crazy or just starting to get over it.

  2. DeAnn says:

    Ugg… sorry. I’ll keep an eye on Smooch “just in case”. Poor Elyan family!

  3. Traci says:

    I feel for you, Penni. I took Sedona to her first shows in CA at 7 months and she came into season… She comes in every 4-5 months like clock work. May Nola’s seasons be short!! 🙂

  4. C-Myste says:

    I don’t think that a pup I have kept has ever come in that early. Our usual is 12-13 months. But over the years there have been a couple of pet puppies have come in at 7 months before there was time to make the spay appointment.

    Kady will be a year on Tuesday, Audrey is approaching 8 months. No sign of a heat on either of them though you can tell the estrogen levels are starting to be higher around here. I expect that they will come in together.

  5. Cheryl says:

    I had a Rottie bitch who came in every 4 months for her entire life. What a pain! Treasure appears to be on the every six months cycle–which is great!