In front is Lucy (Allegro Turn on the Charm), then Bolin (Ebonwald Brace For Impact at Toshay), both Pilot daughters. Then Smoochie of course. The bitch that comes back in for the reserve go around is Smoochie’s mom Leidy.
I just watched the video before reading mandy’s comment. I looked at the lineup and said “I win!” I count pie or Chase kids wins as winning even when I don’t co-own them.
I didn’t realize the others were yours, too, Carolyn (and Mandy). 🙂
I have been thinking that your breeding program, over the years, has really all come together beautifully, hasn’t it???
— V, basking in reflected glow (“Hey, I know those dogs!” 🙂 )
About Me
I am past sixty-five and still practicing law. I have two terrific sons, they have lovely wives, and I have one truly special granddaughter. At home are three Cardigan Welsh Corgis that amuse and challenge me. We participate in lots of dog-related activities. I love my camera, writing, and roaming. I live in central New Mexico because it's where I want to be. Thanks for visiting my blog. Your (tasteful) comments are welcome.
Winners class could have been “its all relative”.
In front is Lucy (Allegro Turn on the Charm), then Bolin (Ebonwald Brace For Impact at Toshay), both Pilot daughters. Then Smoochie of course. The bitch that comes back in for the reserve go around is Smoochie’s mom Leidy.
Smoochie is a Leidy/Chase daughter and her mom, Leidy, is an Inca daughter — yep, it was the whole fam damily!
I just watched the video before reading mandy’s comment. I looked at the lineup and said “I win!” I count pie or Chase kids wins as winning even when I don’t co-own them.
I didn’t realize the others were yours, too, Carolyn (and Mandy). 🙂
I have been thinking that your breeding program, over the years, has really all come together beautifully, hasn’t it???
— V, basking in reflected glow (“Hey, I know those dogs!” 🙂 )