The Garmin Has Arrived

May 12, 2011

After the multiple swings through the Houston airport — see the recent post — and being tired of stopping at gas stations and convenience stores to find out where I am and where I am going — and knowing that I plan to drive to the National Specialty in Ohio next year, I began researching Garmins.  As is often the case, the best deal (a Nuvi 1350 LMT with lifetime maps) was at Amazon.  She arrived today and is undergoing map-loading surgery as we speak type.  I have decided to name her Sacajewea — “Jewel” for short.  I think it is appropriate to be directed across the southwest by one of the most famous woman guides ever.  If I head to the northwest, she is even better versed in the streams, rivers, and mountains there.  The surgery will take about 5 hours so I will leave her attached to my laptop (in which I have complete faith) and head off to bed.

Tomorrow afternoon Holmes has a date with Wendy for his show bath and groom.  I’ll walk Nola around the show site while the specialties are going on — it’s her very first show and she could use a little exposure.  After I bring them both home, Nola will get her bath and that demon Dremel will make her nails pretty.  We show at 8:00 on Saturday morning so all the prettifying must happen tomorrow.  Saturday there will be only two boys entered, but it is a major in bitches.  Jim Reynolds is judging and I’m eager to see what he does with the Chase kids.

I’ll report in.  Jewel says no get well cards are required — her surgery is going well.


  1. Taryn says:

    You’re are going to have fun with Jewel! She’ll not only find your way, but every restaurant and gas station along the way! Your chosen name was much more thoughtful than mine 🙂

  2. Dawn says:

    Good luck tomorrow. I will be hoping good things for you and the kids.

  3. Cheryl says:

    Jewel will live up to her name, I know! Good luck this weekend. We’ll be waiting to hear how the kids do.

  4. DeAnn says:

    I love my Garmin. I set her voice to an Australian accent. Cracks me up when she mispronounces the streets and cities.

    Good luck at the show this weekend!

    We’re off to another weekend in the mud… supporting the Hubby at his Hunt Test.

  5. Kathy M. says:

    Ah yes, the Garmin wrist version has been a faithful companion of many long-distance running friends for years. Ultimately I had to have one too! They’re awesome! You will love it!