a June 11th, 2011

  1. A Splendid De-Butt

    June 11, 2011 by myeye

    Holmes made his De-Butt as a special today.  He was Best of Breed over two other Specials and three class bitches.  In Colorado that is enough for a Grand Champion Major.  Nothing happened in the Group EXCEPT Holmes did not look out of place.  He is an elegant looking young dog with a floating side gait.  He still needs more table time so that he’s comfortable, but he wasn’t bad on the table — Wendy just mentioned he could be more comfortable.  The show is in an equestrian center on packed dirt.  The grooming is in tents outside — could be more comfortable, but obviously, I’m happy with everything up here today.

    I took a photo with the iPhone, but the distance was too great.  I don’t think the little Olympus would have done much better, and I did not bring the Nikon — one too many things to keep track of.

    Nola is still not flexing her rear legs.  She’ll get another massage after we show tomorrow.  Then I need to find a way to confine her — very tricky for the flying red puppy.

    I’ll check in tomorrow — and will post short results on FB.