A Quick News Flash

June 23, 2011

Diana Mann reports that Alli (red girl “Mary” from the Chase/Scout litter — not to be confused with Ali of the Chase/Magic litter) made her de-butt by going Reserve Winners Bitch, Best Cardigan Puppy, and Puppy Herding Group II.  Now that’s a nice start — doncha’ think?


  1. Builder Mama says:

    That’s a great de-butt!!! She was one of my favorites from that litter, so sweet. Congratulations, Diana and Alli!

  2. Taryn says:

    I do indeed! Woohoo!

  3. Holly says:


  4. susan says:

    I hear that Madiaon has done a great job training Alli. That is so cool that all of her work has paid off! Go Alli and Madison!

  5. Cheryl says:

    Wonderful! Love to hear about Madison and Alli! Congratulations!

  6. DMann says:

    Yes, she is beautifully trained, especially when you consider she is just 6 mos old. Mac handled her on Thurs because Madison couldn’t be there & I think she would definitely qualify as a handler’s dream ringside pick-up 🙂