Leaving Dodge

June 10, 2011

The dogs just know!  Even before I start loading our show stuff in the car, they know we are going on an adventure.  I think I’m lucky to have dogs that would donate body parts in exchange for a car ride.  They don’t give a fig about the destination because they assume it will be great — the vet’s — COOL; the office — COOL; the Training Club — BEYOND COOL; a dog Show — FABULOUS!  So they are arranged at the gate that protects the rest of the house from the kitchen/family room/laundry room/half bath (aka Dog Domain).  They don’t leave the vicinity of the gate because they don’t want me to get away without them.

It will be wonderful to leave the smoke behind.  I am tired of coughing and having runny eyes.  I cannot imagine how unpleasant it is for the dogs.  So Holmes will make his debut as a Special and Nola will misbehave and have a wonderful time.  Her hind leg seems better and I have a massage appointment for her when we arrive at the show site this afternoon.  I’ll have the computer and the camera.  I swear that if anything good happens this weekend, I will take an over the judge’s shoulder photo.  I sure wish I’d done that in Albuquerque because I still have no photos from the Official Photog.  His mailbox is full.  I sent an email, but haven’t heard anything.  I am going to let the show-giving clubs know.

So– Gypsy Dogs and I are on the move — we’ll check in later from Colorado Springs.


  1. C-Myste says:

    Good luck!

    And yes, take your own photos 🙂

  2. Jean from NM says:

    Happy and safe travel — and enjoy the clean air!

  3. Taryn says:

    Good Luck!

  4. Susan says:

    We will keep our fingers and toes crossed for you. Have a fabulous time!

  5. DeAnn says:

    Have a great time… knock em dead! LOL

  6. Cheryl says:

    Good luck. Kiss Nola for me–poor baby with the boo-boo leg.

  7. Have fun! Good luck! 🙂