DeAnn received this photo a couple of weeks ago, but we had a hard time getting it to attach to an email rather than embed. So, here is little Smooch (Elyan The Evening Echo of C-Myste) on June 5th winning her very first point from the 6-9 month class. Smooch is Nola’s sister. She’s a darling girl and one of the Chase/Leidy puppies.
Oh isn’t she gorgeous! But what is the judge doing standing next to her? Shouldn’t he be giving her a smooch on the top of her head?
Pretty baby. DeAnn will have fun with her.
What a great photo of the pretty girl. Here’s to wishing for many more pretty ribbons!
What a nice photo! Lovely topline on Ms. Smoochie! Oh, yeah, DeAnn looks good too Many more points are sure to come their way soon!
Smoocher! Such a beautiful girl! Congratulations to Smooch and DeAnn!
Pretty girl! Such a lovely, golden brindle color.