The Week Ahead

June 20, 2011

Yesterday had some high notes:  Finnigan being found in West Seattle, Holmes and I playing with the sheep, little Lowri earning her first point and a Best of Opposite Sex over a Champion.  Yep, yesterday was a very good day.  The Bulletin is nearer completion (after 13 hours of my weekend), and I believe (fingers crossed) that I will finish it this morning.  The proof readers have been very patient (while I was being very frustrated).  The hold-up first was three pages that were not in my possession.  I now have them, but far worse is that I do not know Adobe InDesign well.  Actually I have barely scratched the surface of what it can do.  So, when things come up, I try watching one of the instructional videos which were made for people with a smattering of knowledge (that would not be me).  Saturday I ordered “InDesign CS5 Classroom In a Book”.  I cannot go to on-line help and then remember all the steps when I go back into the program.  I need an index.  This book can be downloaded to Kindle, but I think I need actual, paper, physically turn the pages book.  And I shall have it by the end of the week.  Next Bulletin issue (Deadline August 15th), I will be ready.

Anyway, my clients are in need of attention.  If the Bulletin can wing its way to the proofreaders today, I can return to the other stressful part of my life.  I am so glad I have my funny dogs at home.

Today, for the first time in weeks, we do not have a severe weather alert, no sustained 35 mph winds, no smoke so I can see both my east and west mountain-horizons, and everything does not smell like a campfire.  Last night I made up 25 pounds of dog food so the dogs are taken care of for the next 12 (or so) days.

This is going to be a great week.

1 Comment

  1. Cheryl says:

    Yup, sometimes those volunteer jobs get really really time consuming! I’m glad the weather is improving and that your air isn’t full of smoke at the moment. Hopefully, that will be the last of it. Good wishes for the coming week–we get to hear about the Chase-Ditto puppies later in the week! Whoo-hoo!