a July 16th, 2011

  1. The Good and The Bad

    July 16, 2011 by myeye

    FLASH from the dog shows:  Chase/Scout daughters Ginger (owned by Kathy Metcalfe) earned a 3-point major in Marshall, MI for her debut today and Sally (owned by breeder Janet Suber) earned a 4-point major in Southhaven Mississippi.  Litter Brother Tommy showed well — Best Puppy and Puppy Herding Group IV —  but did not get the points today — there is always tomorrow.  Holmes and Nola, up in Eagle Colorado, did not fare as well 🙁

    Inca and I are home alone.  Everyone else (probably in the entire world) is at a dog show.  So, what’s good about it?  I can leave bathroom doors open and no naughty little red girl will steal the toilet paper and carry it away; I can leave the gate between the kitchen and living room open and no dog will rip up magazines or take my shoes;  I am able to clean house without fearing a sneak vacuum attack; no one is barking at errant leaves or dogs in the yard acres away.

    Bad:  I can’t vacuum because then I wouldn’t hear my phone ring so I won’t know how my grandpups are doing; it’s pretty hot and sticky — grooming the Dink will result in red hair stuck all over me.

    To add to the mix — my community bank was raided in February by US Bank.  This weekend I cannot get to my account on line.  I was supposed to receive a new VISA check card by yesterday, but it wasn’t in the mail.  I HATE CHANGE — especially change that requires me to read a bunch of tiny print so I might set up new on-line banking.  I wonder if PayPal transactions from Thursday will go through.  I purchased my August 20th flight to Dallas to see the Ditchas, and would hate for Southwest to be told it can’t have any money.

    Okay — that’s it.  I’m going to have some ice cream.