Rain and Puppies

July 9, 2011

We just had our quota of rain:  lots of thunder and five minutes of wet stuff falling from the sky.  All the baddogs went outside to bark at the thunder and to luxuriate in the wet stuff.  So, they smell like wet dogs, but they are happy. Tomorrow (if Robert’s is not all mud) Miss Nola and I will go herding.

If you’ve not visited Dr. Lisa’s blog, you should.  Some of the Chase/Ditto puppies have eyes.  So very cute!  Please add Lisa’s blog to your blogroll so more people can meet the Ditchas.  http://SnapdragonCardigans.blogspot.com

Here is the pedigree in case you’re wondering from whence these cuties came. Click on it and it will become a normal-sized document (that you can actually read).

1 Comment

  1. Kathy says:

    I told you I’d try and bring some rain with me and it looks as if we will get a little more.