Too Darned Hot!

July 24, 2011

We have been suffering from insufferably high temperatures (I think that’s why it’s called that).  The high temps have been between 96 and 100 degrees for many days.  There has been some rain in parts of New Mexico, but not at my house.  We received a dozen droplets today and the clouds moved on.  Since the 1st of the year, we have had .25″ of precipitation — that equals drought!

Notwithstanding the heat, there were chores that had to be tackled.  The man across the street is a student, but can always use a little money.  He knows how to do all sorts of things so last Sunday and today he came over and re-framed for the dog door, put up tougher fencing over the wrought iron (sorry, Nola), hung curtain rods in three rooms, fixed an electrical outlet, securely fastened my Garmin holder to my dash.  We then filled up his trailer with “stuff”.  The former home owner and his wife had doo-dads and thingamajigs all over the place.  They are all GONE.  I have saved the other half of the sliding patio door for Tom to scrape during the next desert visit.  Last winter he removed painted ivy and pots and curly cues from half the door.

I took the wand for the shop vac to Home Depot on the pretext that it needed a new floor brush.  What it really needed was two guys with big hands to separate all the parts because I can’t do it.  So now the shop vac is really sucking it up.  It has a new filter and a new floor brush.  While the baddogs enjoyed watermelon on the patio, I vacuumed the family room.  I had two wire crates and a VariKennel in the room.  They eat in crates (my choice) and sleep in crates (their choice).  The VariKennel went to the storage unit and I opened up a new wire crate for Nola.  The dogs took turns getting into it and making sure it was acceptable.  I guess it is.

I was going to grind up a batch of dog food today, but it’s 9:00, still very hot — so I’ll do it before I go to the office in the morning.  Bright spots:  new photos of the Ditto/Chase babies on Lisa’s blog and this stunning sunset.  I apologize for the power lines — the sun is setting to the north a bit so I don’t have my unobstructed view.


  1. Taryn says:

    Yet another beautiful sunset!

    If it makes you feel any better, here on the East Coast, we have been hovering around 95 to 100 degrees for quite a few days as well, but add to that extremely high humidity. If you step outside for even five minutes, your clothes are soaked through! Yuck!

  2. Dawn says:

    Such a pretty sky I really didnt notice the power lines. I hope you get some cooler weather. We just finally had a couple of tolerable days.

  3. Jean from NM says:

    Didn’t the skies open last night and the wet stuff fall? It was glorious at my house and I got wet dancing in it. 🙂