a September 16th, 2011

  1. Why I like Friday Evening

    September 16, 2011 by myeye

    FIRST:  The dogs and I can play in the yard.  I’m not pressured to get ready for some lawyer presentation tomorrow:


    These photos look as if they might be from Dina’s blog, but they aren’t.  Somehow I have three red dogs here:  butt end, tail wagging is the little Chase/Ditto boy “Tater Tot” (used to be Topper), upside down is Naughty Nola.  She loves to throw herself on the ground to play with her little brother.  Going in for the quick nip is Gramma Inca — she feels safe when Nola is otherwise occupied.  My brindle boys are away so all I have here are three naughty red dogs.

    I love Friday evening because I can take the time to stalk the puppy with my camera.  He is dreadfully cute.  Mmmm!  Puppy ears!


    Is this not a very cute face?  He wants to know why I’m bothering him.

    . . . and the Friday night glory


    So the sun is down, the dogs are worn out (for the moment), and I have a bag of antlers that came home from the last show.  They are sprawled around the kitchen, and I’m on the computer sharing Friday with you.  Have a lovely weekend.

  2. It’s Friday — Finally

    September 16, 2011 by myeye

    I should be planning my work day, but can’t help looking ahead to WEEKEND!!!  Tomorrow I am going to the State Fair with my Granddaughter.  A pot that she made was entered in the school art division of the Fair and, of course, we need to see how she fared.  I love the exhibits and will take the camera along to record the color.  On Sunday, Naughty Nola and I will head up to Edgewood so she might herd the goats/sheep.  There are chores to do around the house, but I’ll fit them in (or not).

    Today I am going to spend the time completing the Bulletin.  It has actually been “completed” for a week EXCEPT my InDesign program is balking at automatic page numbering.  So, I’ll call the Adobe folks and let them walk me through fixing it.  You’ve no idea (well, maybe you do) how frustrating it is to have one minute issue that you just cannot solve.  I’ve poured over my “Classroom in a Book” and my “InDesign CS5 for Dummies” manual to no avail.  Monday it will be out of my hands, at the printers, until I get the proofs back.  I am so happy with this issue.  There are great articles and wonderful ads for many fine performance dogs.  The Bulletin is a labor of love.  I’m fortunate to have a terrific group of people that proof, write articles, edit articles, format documents.  Well, many of you will see what I’m talking about.

    Off to the office to get Friday out of the way.  We’re sending good vibes to the half of The Ocho that will be competing in Chattanooga this weekend.  My phone will not leave my body!