No Fair? No Fair!

September 17, 2011

Today I was going to go to the State Fair with my Granddaughter, but Adrienne woke up congested and with a fever, then we had a giant thunder-boomer.  I had gone to the office to nit pick on the Bulletin when the skies opened up and it poured.  When it let up a little, I headed for home.  It had rained here at the house yesterday and again last night.  We have mud.  My dogs are filthy.  Inca has so enjoyed the spa that I swear she looks to be only seven years old.  Mud packs do that for you.

Tomorrow morning bright and early, Nola and I will head up to Edgewood, and  (if the goats did not get washed away) we will have a herding lesson.  I’m taking my camera and hope to get video of the little red-haired girl bossing the goats around.  She really loves to herd.  Also tomorrow, out in Tennessee, Chase will have a mystery visitor — all will be revealed in good time, but I think you’ll be pleased with his new wife.  I am very excited about her.  Of course, whatever makes my boy happy is fine with me!

Monday, Johnny and Laura are coming up from the south to bring Rango (f/k/a Vance) to spend a week with Tater.  I love puppies.  It will be so much fun to have the two of them racing around.  Nola will be in heaven with two babies to roll her over.  Johnny and Laura have an unexpected need to go to California so I am the lucky puppy sitter.  Tater had his ears up tonight — just like that — he went from airplane ears to Cardi ears.  I think he heard me mention tape.  This is one cute baby.

This coming week shall be the week of September to remember.  My new roof should be well along by Friday.  We are replacing the two big skylights, adding a round tube skylight in the interior bathroom (I HATE interior rooms).  I will be warm and dry this winter.  I also hope the new roof and skylights cut down on the dust.  We are knocking down the rickety front porch and creating a new, wider one with a metal roof to match the new roof on the house.  Next project is to begin replacing windows.

Herding videos and photos tomorrow.


  1. Cheryl says:

    Wow! Quite a bit of work–bet it will look spectacular when you are done!

  2. Bummer to miss the fair!

    I hate interior rooms, too. I hope you’ll keep us posted on how you like that round skylight in the bathroom. I’ve wondered about those…..

    TWO puppies!!!! I’ll be right over! 🙂

    Yesterday I got to visit with a golden puppy who is a service dog trainee. He was 12 weeks, and a total sweetie.

  3. jean from NM says:

    We’re only 10 miles apart, aren’t we? And you got RAIN?????? Very little here, but we have a new roof ready when it does. Happy puppies!