Nola at 10-1/2 Months

September 10, 2011

Lisa’s here and we did a photo session before we went to dinner.  Here is Nola at 10-1/2 months old.  She has an extra dose of pretty (if you ask me).


  1. Cheryl says:

    Oooh, look! she’s all prettified! Lovely coat!

  2. Builder Mama says:

    She is a beauty! Noticing a few similarities in coat pattern to what Nick has. Those Chase genes are mighty strong!

  3. JEAN STOUFFER says:

    She looks like a real beauty. Now where is the badddog part? 🙂

  4. Lani says:

    Very pretty girl, Penni! She’s just so “grown up” now!

  5. Megan says:


  6. Susan says:

    Very pretty!

  7. Builder Mama says:

    Nick has that zigzag pattern on his right side…a mirror image of Nola’s!

  8. nancy says:

    WOW!!! She has grown into a real beauty. I can see her finishing her CH in a flash! Her interest in herding is icing on the cake. Congratulations are your beautiful red girl.