Short Post

September 1, 2011

The Bulletin is near finished.  There are four ads outstanding (we’re working on them).  I have a wretched head cold which includes no voice.  So, I’m hoping to have everything in place in the Bulletin today.  Then we’ll try to figure out why the automatic page numbering isn’t.  My printer has a great pre-press guy who helps me figure out all that stuff.  So, if everything is in place today (regardless of the page numbering issue), I will make a low resolution .pdf and send this edition for proofreading.  It could go to the printer the end of next week — a week ahead of schedule.

I have a little trial tomorrow.  Since I have no voice, I’m thinking of making flash cards for the witnesses.  I would ask to continue the hearing, but one of our witnesses is a veterinarian that re-organized her in-office day to come to court.  I’ll get some New Mexico honey on the way home and dose myself with tea and honey which may make it possible to talk.

Yesterday Riley (who is definitely a baby baddog) dumped her gallon water jug, hauled half her toys outside through the dog door.  She is very cute, but very trying.

We had a great rain yesterday afternoon and my weeds are cheering in the back-forty.  It does feel fresh this morning.  I am looking forward to the weekend, I’m going to clean house, but  four of The Ocho will be competing in Lexington, and Chase will be trialing on ducks.  I love those phone calls!


  1. Hope you are feeling much better very soon!

  2. Jean from NM says:

    I don’t suppose you could take just one day off? Probably not, not with the baddog-in-training puppy you have. Do feel better soon, Penni.

  3. nancy says:

    Wow! I glanced at the post and saw “pick up A honey” not some honey. Oh Boy! We all know where my mind was at the moment. Take care and hope you feel better. Give all your BADDDDdogs a squeeze for me.

  4. Builder Mama says:

    I hope you feel better soon! And that Riley relinquishes her little baddog status for a little bit so you can catch a break. 🙂

  5. Susan says:

    I would be happy to proofread some of the bulletin if you would like. I would be able to do it Monday AM most likely.

    I hope you feel better soon!