a October 17th, 2011

  1. Chase’s Birthday Party

    October 17, 2011 by myeye

    Chase had a quiet birthday at home with his current wife Treasure.  She’s very pregnant and wasn’t up to going out dancing.  Their babies are due in ten days.


    Treasure conked out while Chase was still raring to go.  So he sang to himself.

    Thanks MC for the happy birthday photos.

  2. Happy Birthday, Chaseman

    October 17, 2011 by myeye

    Today our Chase (and the rest of the Freedom litter) is four years old.

    It is so hard to imagine that the cute puppy in this photo is now the grown dog herding sheep in the post below.  Chase has accomplished so much, but his greatest gift is making people smile.  He fancies himself the anointed ambassador from the Cardigan Corgi world to every human that walks the earth.  I love this dog’s level of joy, his desire to please, his sense of humor.  Thank you Carolyn Cannon, Mandy Katasse, and Jenifer Kramer for breeding him, and thank you Carolyn and Tom for letting him come to my house.  A team of people have helped him along the way — they deserve recognition:  Bonnie Kellner, Sherri Hurst and Lauren McIlwraith, Shelley Camm, Susan Shields and Cheryl Kienast.  Chase is the reason people have Cardis, he is the dog I love.  I also thank the people who have his kids and are doing so much with them.

    Happy birthday, my man!

  3. While We Were At The Show – Herding

    October 17, 2011 by myeye

    Susan and Chase were herding.  Susan is working Chase up to some advanced exercises and he is doing a nice job.  This is a video clip of him taking sheep from the pen, across the field, through the panels. Good boy, Chase.  As always, thanks to Cheryl for the movie.

    Here are some still photos. Note the bull in the background. Chase is as happy to move him as he is to move the lambs. (Just no stinkin’ ducks!)