Little Tater is cute and active. He is always carrying something around with him. Despite a minefield of toys in their area of the house, Tater started what could have been his (very short) life’s work yesterday. Darned puppy!
He didn’t chew clear through it. I think I interrupted him. So now, the stools are stacked on the coffee bar and this place looks like a closed restaurant constructed in the middle of a minefield of toys.
Wow! Congratulations to the handsome Holmes and the wonderful Nikki! Wonderful things are happening at Elyan Cardigans! Well, except for the stool . . . That bad dog is following in a wonderful tradition. 🙂
Nash ate my laundry room wall and baseboard when he was young. Leo ate a wooden pillar on our deck. And our dining room chairs all have teethmarks on them, I think from way back when Brady was a puppy (and he was the worst we’ve ever had, a la Fwuffy Nick and Rip, he preferred household items and clothing).
I think the baddog gene runs pretty rampant in this breed. Lizzie is the only one I’ve ever had that didn’t destroy at least a few things, and I can’t say that her puppies took after her…
Congratsfor GCH Holmes and Nikki, I’m a fan of all those Chase puppers. Especially Holmes, he just makes me smile! Of course, Nola and Tater run a close second. So far in my house, the most preferred and destroyed item are my slippers and a few chosen pillows. I guess I’ve been lucky. Good Luck at the show, points needed or not!
Ginny and Sam came to me when they were older so chewing wasn’t as big an issue – although Gin did destroy a TV remote and chewed on a book. Moira wasn’t given the opportunity to get at much and her destruction was limited to just a couple pairs of shoes and some books. I think Bogey got a couple things too but, nothing too horrible. Georgia was a terror. We weren’t as diligent with her and she got to a lot of things – mostly expensive. Every dog is a little different.
My first Cardi, Dylan, among the many things he devoured, chewed clear through the rungs on two of my dining room chairs. Maybe he was an ancestor to your Baddogs 😉
Not funny…but it IS funny. We’ve all been there with our puppies. Perhaps Tater is thinking of a career in carpentry?
I know for a fact that he gets that from his daddy. 🙂
Just one more comment re my non-Cardi Angel — not much in our house was free of teeth marks, including a ladle, the remote, the phone, a few wastebaskets, some shoes, furniture, and Dr. Jeff Nichol’s book, “Is My Dog OK?” NO!!!!!!