Let The Trial Begin

October 29, 2011

Chase (and Susan and Kearney) are in Hazel Kentucky today.  Chase is trying for the third leg of his Intermediate Sheep Herding title (HIAs).  If he gets it, tomorrow he will move up to Advanced Sheep.  Kearney will be trialing to finish his Advanced Sheep and Ducks today.  If he’s successful, tomorrow he will begin trialing for Championship points.  I have all my body parts crossed.  If you have any spare parts this morning, please cross them for the boys.  Chase also has a girl in the audience — more about her later.

Updates in a few hours.

Tommy (Chase/Scout son) showed in Marietta GA this morning and was Reserve Winners Dog and Best Puppy.  Betty will be taking him into the Puppy Group this afternoon.

Chase won the Intermediate Sheep Class in Hazel KY.  That was his third Intermediate leg.  He is now AM/CAN CH C-Myste Baledwr Pursuit of Happiness CD RN HSAs HIAs VCX* TT.  Great job Susan who tells me that Chase was at the very edge of control.  It’s the fall weather — or just that Chase likes fast and happy!  *VCX is pending CWCCA approval, HIAs pending AKC approval.  Tomorrow Chase will be smacked around in Advanced.  Congratulations to Kearney who qualified in Advanced Sheep to finish his HXAs title, earned his third Started B Course Duck leg, and will be in Advanced Ducks this afternoon.

At home, Nola is out of season so all the kids can run and play together; Holmes went to his Obedience class and had a good time; my neighbor and I moved all the “stuff” from my Albuquerque Storage Unit (very expensive) to my cheap Los Lunas storage unit.  I think this means I am officially relocated.

Kearney was High in Trial from Started Ducks B Course.  He completed A Course titles in Advanced Ducks and Advanced Sheep, and his B Course Started Ducks.  He is moving up to Intermediate B Course Ducks and going for the gold in Advanced A Course ducks and sheep.

Susan is an awesome trainer!