Lowri was up first at the Herding Test/Trial in Cumming Georgia. She earned the second leg of her PT and is now Mockingbird Elyan Magic Moment PT. She has been coveting letters for a long time. I am sure when she gets to the computer this evening, she will have a lot to say — you should probably visit her blog later. Chase will try for his second Intermediate leg in a while and then Kearney will run for his second Advanced leg. The conformation dogs don’t show until a little after 1:00. I believe that Darby is entered again today in Mayer Arizona — we’ll report in on that as well.
The Chaseman earned his second Intermediate Sheep Herding Leg. He had competition today and won his class. Susan said he did a very nice job. He will try for his third leg the end of this month. Go Chase! Kearney earned his second Advanced Sheep leg today. Good boys!
Darby finished her PT today at the Arizona trials. Good girl, Darby!
So far, the Alamogordo shows have been a huge bust for Nola and Holmes. I don’t even want to talk about it. So, here is Chase’s Second Intermediate leg.
YAY! Speed Herding! The NEW sport! (Okay, he kinda wanted to pee on the post afterwards–that was the “Chaser! Chaser” warning I gave him, followed immediately by a threat from Susan, so he thought better of the idea. Could you see how proud of himself he was!
He looks GOOD! Yea, Chaseman!
Con grates to Holmes on his Select, yes it is a little bit of a bummer but Cappy s at 50 points towards hs bronze and only 2 BOB, good job Chaseman
He looked great! I love watching that dog work.