Today our Lowri made her debut as a Champion at the Oakridge Kennel Club (2) in Knoxville. Piloted as always by Cheryl, Lowri was Best of Opposite Sex over two other Specials for her first Grand Champion points and her first win over other Champions. Today at the show there is a “Best Opposite Group.” So for the third day in a row, Lowri will be in a Group ring. By the end of tomorrow, we expect her legs to be down to nubbins and her tongue to be dragging the ground. Nonetheless, GO LOWRI !!! I’ll report later on the outcome.
Lowri’s Debut As A Special
November 5, 2011
Category Bluefox, Conformation, Dog Shows, Doing Good, Lowri | Tags:
Go Lowri, go Lowri, go Lowri …
A best opposite group? How fun. I’ve never seen one of those.