December, 2011

  1. Advanced Sheep Leg — Whoo Hoo!

    December 31, 2011 by myeye

    To end the year our Chaseman earned his first Advanced Sheep leg.  Susan has the score sheet and a green ribbon to prove it.  It was not a stellar run, but we’ll take it.

    What has been the most amazing part of Chase’s herding career is that at the end of March, 2011 (Yep.  That’s this year), Chase earned his first two Started Sheep legs.  He finished his Started title at the 2011 National Specialty, he earned his Intermediate Sheep title this fall in straight trials, and today, the last day of 2011, he earned the first Advanced Sheep leg.  That’s pretty stellar.  Today he was looking for girlfriends which impaired his herding performance.  Susan says tomorrow he gets a dollop of Vicks under his nose.  The Vicks may inhibit his sensory search.

    Kearney earned a first place and a 4-point major in ducks.  He has 11 points and both his first place finishes.  I’ll bet he is DC Bluefox’s Kearney HXAds (plus some B course titles) by the National Specialty.  Go, Kear!  Little Lowri is doing a PT run today for the experience since she earned her PT this fall.

  2. 2011 Hasn’t Ended Yet — Shucks!

    December 29, 2011 by myeye

    There is still so much happening —

    It appears our Holmes will become a California boy.  We are working on the logistics now.  Once he is ensconced in his new home, we’ll share photos and information.

    Chase and Kearney and Susan will be heading into Georgia this weekend for a herding trial — I can’t think of a better way to spend New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day.  Hopefully Chase will pay attention to Susan and think his way through the Advanced Sheep courses.  We could certainly use two Advanced legs.  The weather is supposed to be very nice — sunny and clear.

    I am at the office working on year end stuff.  Once the printer sent the Bulletin to the mail house, I was freed to catch up.  Wow!  I am so behind.

    This morning was a fabulous morning — there was no ice on my windshield.  It is supposed to be that way for the next few days.  That is such a welcome change — though it means the poopsicles in the dog yards should be removed.  It’s difficult to do that when you can’t see them.

    Enjoy the winding down part.  Although I have some really cool things to report in the year-end wrap-up, I am not sorry to see 2011 go away.  I’m really looking forward to 2012.

  3. Let’s Hear From The Hip

    December 27, 2011 by myeye

    Nola’s birthday was October 20th, but she was in season then.  I had scheduled her preliminary OFA hip x-rays for October 27th.  I never have an OFA film done when my girls are in season so rescheduled her for this morning.

    The last hip x-ray I posted was Holmes’ permanent film.  I asked you all what you thought.  It was nearly unanimous that he would get a GOOD.  Despite having a FAIR on his prelim, OFA heard your votes (somehow) and Holmes came back with a Good.

    So, what do you have to say about this shot?  This is Nola at 14 months old.  Nola’s mom is  “Leidy”  who is OFA Excellent, and dad is Chase who is OFA Good.

    I’ll let you know what OFA decides.

  4. This Is How He Moves

    December 27, 2011 by myeye

    Cheryl’s Christmas present was a new Sony camera.  It takes up to seven frames per second.  Here is one of those frames.  It’s our Chase moving along.  I love this dog!

  5. The Way It Should Look

    December 24, 2011 by myeye

    Today is a “real” New Mexico winter day.  This is what we are used to — sunshine, sweatshirt temperature, and we may look at snowy mountains.

    This is from the end of my little road looking east.  Beautiful!