a December 7th, 2011

  1. Sunset – December 7th

    December 7, 2011 by myeye

    I left the office early, detoured to a store that had chicken leg quarters for $ .49/lb.  I brought home 40 pounds as well as 6 pounds of chicken gizzards.  More work for Bruno this weekend, but I’ll have happy dogs.  Friday I’ll hit the farmers’ market for the veggies.  The upshot of all that is I arrived home before dark.  It was so worth it!

    From my patio:

    Yep!  Merry Christmas is baking again!

  2. Bye, Bye, Bulletin

    December 7, 2011 by myeye

    The Winter issue of the Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club of America News Bulletin is headed over to the printers.  It is 96 pages of ads and articles, plus covers.  I love this issue because it is dedicated to the producers.  I also love having my life back!  I spend about 50 hours on each issue — by the time I correspond with the advertisers and article writers, create ads, send proofs out, read articles, do a little editing, figure out the glitches in the program and solve problems.  So when it’s time for it to go, I am so happy!  Bye, Bye Bulletin!  It should be mailed early the week of the 19th — you might have it for Christmas.