The box arrived today. It was too large even for the package lockers at the post office. Thank goodness Brock was at work. I slipped him the pick-up slip and he brought out the prize. Inca is in none of the photos because as soon as I set the box on the floor, Holmes yelled, “MINE.” Inca cleared out. Nola, who is not too worried about her brother, stood nearby to jump in when she had the chance. Here is the sequence.
In his next life Holmes can be a bomb-sniffing dog
Toys and Dry Roasted Hot Dogs and a Candle and Cranberry Ginger Dressing
A good look at everything
“I can get two at once,” says Holmes
“Ummm, yep, hot dogs!”
Nola checks it all out
Nola picks hot dogs
Inca says she also picks hot dogs. She sat up on her haunches for them, but I can’t give her hot dog pieces and take photos. We all say, “Thank you, Julie, for the Yankee candle and the dressing (I love cranberry and cannot wait to try this), for the ornaments which made an earlier arrival, for the toys, BUT MOSTLY FOR THE DRY ROASTED HOT DOGS. Three out of three baddogs vote them The Treat of the Year. Thank you CardiClaus — a great exchange this year.