To end the year our Chaseman earned his first Advanced Sheep leg. Susan has the score sheet and a green ribbon to prove it. It was not a stellar run, but we’ll take it.
What has been the most amazing part of Chase’s herding career is that at the end of March, 2011 (Yep. That’s this year), Chase earned his first two Started Sheep legs. He finished his Started title at the 2011 National Specialty, he earned his Intermediate Sheep title this fall in straight trials, and today, the last day of 2011, he earned the first Advanced Sheep leg. That’s pretty stellar. Today he was looking for girlfriends which impaired his herding performance. Susan says tomorrow he gets a dollop of Vicks under his nose. The Vicks may inhibit his sensory search.
Kearney earned a first place and a 4-point major in ducks. He has 11 points and both his first place finishes. I’ll bet he is DC Bluefox’s Kearney HXAds (plus some B course titles) by the National Specialty. Go, Kear! Little Lowri is doing a PT run today for the experience since she earned her PT this fall.
That is SOOO cool! Really amazing progress for Chase when you consider that most dogs take a year or two in between the HS and HI to HA titles as driving is MUCH more difficult! Good thing you’ve had him DNA tested! People will think he’s a short-legged BC! Congratulations!
Congratulations, Penni and crew. That’s fabulous!
Wow to the Chaseman and Susan. What a glorious year!