a January 5th, 2012

  1. Well, Wha’d’ya Know?

    January 5, 2012 by myeye

    This was in my email today.  I wonder if they called me “Dear Dear” Ms. Adrian on purpose?  I think the emphasis goes on the second Dear.  It is difficult to believe I have been doing this for twenty-five years.  I still enjoy the law, I still like my clients.  I still feel that I am helping.  All that said, if I won the lottery, I would stop practicing law and play more with the dogs.

  2. Quick Report

    January 5, 2012 by myeye

    The weather has been lovely — mid-50’s and sunny.  It’s making up for the two miserable weeks during which one snow storm followed another.  In between getting (trying to get) caught up at the office, I’ve been readying Holmes for his trip to California.  We collected and froze semen and will do a second collection.  I’m copying certificates and health materials, making shipping arrangements.  Of course, he decided to shed so will arrive near-nekked in California.  I can’t talk about how much I will miss this boy, but I know this is a perfect place for him.  We must do what is best for the dog.  I know Valerie and Mike and their German Shepherd Kody will love Mr. Holmes.

    I’m also doing the first minute things for the National Specialty.  It isn’t happening until the week of April 21-28, but some measures must be taken immediately.  So, I reserved grooming space.   On Saturday, April 21st, I will drive to Colorado Springs and meet Jessica.  We’ll drive to Ohio together — good company and shared expenses — I vote yes to both.  I’m not going as early as I went to Houston so will miss Chase and Lowri and Kearney’s herding efforts.  I figured the Chaseman could be bad outside my presence if that’s the dog that shows up.

    I’ll try for photos this weekend — it’s still dark when I get home from work, and gray when I leave.  Neither of those conditions is good for taking photos.