Remember the poorly positioned hip x-ray I posted a few weeks ago? Today I received the preliminary reading from OFA. Even with the cattywampus positioning, OFA says they are FAIR. For Prelims, I’ll take it. When we do Nola’s permanent films, my vet and I will have a serious discussion about positioning.
a January 9th, 2012
Naughty Nola’s Hip Prelim
January 9, 2012 by myeye
Category Health and Welfare, Nola, Testing | Tags: | 3 Comments
The Cow In The Crossdrive
January 9, 2012 by myeye
Chase herded this weekend. Susan’s cow, Gracie planted herself right in the line of the crossdrive.
He asked her to move away, but she was having none of his sass.
Chase thought he had handled the matter and went back to his sheep. That’s when Gracie charged him. Susan gave permission to get rid of the cow.
Now, back to work. Note to cows: do not mess with the Chaseman when he is on a mission.
Category Bluefox, Chase, Herding, Tennessee | Tags: | 8 Comments