How much “stuff” can fit in one post. We’re going to find out.
Our training club offers conformation drill on Saturday nights at 6:30 pm. That means that only the dyed-in-the-wool dog people are there. Normal people are out to dinner, at a movie, watching television. We are at drill class. The instructor has Vizsla, but has shown for a long time and is so helpful. Nola is my subject at the moment. She is going to shows in Hobbs, NM February 4-5, hasn’t been to shows since the local cluster in mid-October. It seemed wise to take her out for a spin. You have never seen a dog have more fun doing what she was supposed to be doing — how cool is that? Down and back — whoo hoo! Go around — whoo hoo! Get examined on the table — way cool! Oh my, I love this youngster. I think she’s very nicely put together, but her attitude does it for me. She will be successful no matter what venue. You have to adore Naughty Nola — that’s a message from her.
Holmes is not going to leave for Lake Arrowhead until January 28th. Valerie has some medical things going on so we are waiting until she clears the deck. Holmes requires both hands and some attention. He’s a sweet boy, but he is also very excited about being alive. We have stored some pupsicles and one day I will have Holmes’ children here, but he will be living in the land of tofu and Perrier with his new best friend Kodi.
The weather — it only counts because it is in the mid-fifties. Sweatshirt and no jacket. That means I must scoop the dog yards — sigh! I hope you have something better to do. Oh, I just thought of another stall tactic. We now have a Tractor Supply Company. Its Grand Opening is this weekend. In addition to carrying PINK Carharts, they have dog beds for $7.99 each. When your dogs disembowel dog beds, you definitely look for sales. The scooping can wait.
Herding photos coming later . . .