Have You Met Stout?

January 27, 2012

Chase had a rendezvous with Vivian Moran’s Ziva.  Unfortunately, it was a day or so late in her season and the result was one dark brindle boy puppy.  He has gone to live with Merinda Tiffany.  He’s going to do it all — Merinda is a wonderful Cardi trainer in Agility and Obedience and Herding.  Vivian will show the little guy in conformation.  Merinda and her husband John mircobrew at home so the puppy is named “Stout”.  Merinda has started a blog for Stout and his older Cardi brother Porter.  I hope you’ll stop in to visit it.


  1. nancy says:

    So next will be Mead,Lager,Ale,Guinness. Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Best of luck to Stout and Porter.

  2. LOVE the brew names! My hubby homebrews, but he’s yet to talk me into naming a dog after alcohol… yet!

  3. Cheryl says:

    Great name! One of my Chase puppy people named their brindle girl Whiskey! Fits! Can’t wait to follow Stout around and watch his antics.