Where to start? How about with youngest to oldest dog.
Little Riley who will be seven months old on January 24th went to the Rosenburg Texas shows this weekend. It’s her second time out. She earned her first two points. WAY TO GO BABY GIRL! Riley is a Chase/Ditto daughter. We’re told that Judge Paul Chen made baby talk and Riley turned into a wagging, kissing puppy. You know that’s what we loved about Riley, Killian (Tater), Rango, and Torch — as well as their less famous siblings. Congratulations little Riley. If you look in the catalog, you will find her as Snapdragon Something Unspoken.
Out in rainy Portland, the Smooch and DeAnn Nelson had three days of double Qs in Rally Novice B and in Beginner Novice B. Smooch ended the weekend with two titles. She is a Chase/Leidy puppy and Naughty Nola’s litter sister. For the time being, Smooch is Elyan The Evening Echo of C-Myste RN BN. Go, Smoochie and De!
Meanwhile, oblivious to all the cool stuff being done by his kids, Chase was herding with Susan. Yesterday a big mama with brand new babies slammed Chase to the ground. She really did not care for his efforts to make her move. He said, “Alrighty then.” and rounded up some less volatile sheep and lambs. Here are some photos from Cheryl taken today. They were herding in the mud, Susan fell length-wise. She’s none the worse for wear, but definitely resembles a brindled Tennessee gator.
I figured the baby lamb photos would make you all mushy inside.
Chase looks like he is trying to figure out if that baby lamb is friend or oe.
He is absolutely fascinated by the little lambs. He keeps sneaking up on them to sniff. The mamas get really ticked off!
That big mama looks like she’s about to nail him in the last photo! LOL