Oh My, She’s So Pregnant

March 18, 2012

I asked Kathy for a head shot of Keina — for a little project.  She sent me a head shot, but there is also a body in the photo — a huge, puppy-filled body.  Poor Keina!  Hang in there girlie — this week they’ll be out in the world.


  1. Robin says:

    Boy is she ever cute! She looks ready to pop!

  2. Lani says:

    Oh dear, poor girl! Should be lots of lovely little pups!

  3. jean from NM says:

    And I thought I was big with twins! 🙂

  4. Holly says:

    Good thoughts for Keina.

  5. Carol Teal says:

    Poor girlie! I just got my computer up and running again after a month. Catching up…. You and yours have been burning up the rings! Huge congratulations!